Rwandan GNSS (and MT) Field Campaign

We are just now wrapping up GPS/GNSS Field work and some training along the Kivu Rift in Rwanda.

Before heading out to the field, we met individually with personnel from the Rwandan Mining Board (RMB), the Rwandan Environmental Management Agency (REMA), and the East African Institute for Fundamental Research (EAIFR).

We serviced our 7 continuous GNSS station, established one new campaign GNSS station, and performed a Magnetotelluric survey (MT), last part led by colleague Samer Naif. More of our project can be read here.

Nyriagongo Volcano Scouting site for Magnetotelluric measurements along the Rwanda-DRC border looking toward Nyriagongo Volcano. Campaign GNSS Station NNPN GT Grad Student Derrick Murekezi, and RMB Employee Gaspard Nywandi with campaign GNSS station NNPN.


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Community GNSS-Acoustics in Cascadia

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Dr. Barama!!!

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