Initial Kivu Project Training
May 2023
In May, we offered a day-long training exercise at the East African Institute for Fundamental Research (EAIFR). In this year 2 training, we detailed more about GNSS and InSAR methods, as well as gave an overview of magnetotellurics (MT) to the students studying within the program. Following the training exercise, we performed a GNSS site run and a MT field campaign, with the aid of our colleagues at the Rwandan Mining Board (RMB). Photos from training and field are below.
We trained six local EAIFR students this year during the program, with presentations both by faculty and GT graduate students. A midday photo is shown at the right, including also, our
local university host, Catherine Mériaux.
Project PI, Samer Naif is presenting on MT methods used during other on-land and offshore activities, as well as giving an overiew of the plan for the Kivu rift system (at left).
A project collaborator is helping to dig a site for MT through a mix of soil and rock (right). This site
is on an island in the eastern portion of Lake Kivu. Off in the distance students are prepping
another site for one of electrodes.
Graduate students (same site) are installing an induction coil.